Effective irrigation using soil water balance principles

“The only constant thing in life is change!” This saying certainly applies to the rules covering water availability to commercial agriculture over the last few years. Since South Africa is a water deficit country characterised by frequent droughts, water is a scarce and valuable natural resource that must be carefully used by all agriculturists, industrialists and the residential sector. Dr Neil du Sautoy (Senior Soil Scientist, Senwes Agricultural Services) shows producers how to use water effectively.

In hierdie artikel:
  1. The water balance
  2. The components
  3. Monitoring the components
  4. Figures

Irrespective of the new laws, the best argument to promote the effective use of water is if one realises that a 10% saving in water actually means that one can irrigate 10% more hectares. The objective of this article is thus to review the basic factors influencing the water balance so that effective water use can be implemented.

The water balance
The components of the soil water balance (SWB) are depicted in Figure 1. The water balance can be summarised as in equation 1:

ÄSm = Sm + P – T – E – I – R – D Eq 1

Simply put, equation 1 states that the change in the soil water content (ÄSm) over a period of time depends on the original water content (Sm) plus precipitation (rain and irrigation, P) minus transpiration (loss of water by plants, T) minus evaporation (loss of water from the soil surface, E) minus interception (water held in the plant canopy, I) minus runoff (surface water not penetrating the soil and running away, R) minus drainage (water draining away below root zone, D).

The components
The only component in the water balance where water is used to promote crop growth and yield, is transpiration. All the other components (E, I, R and D) are a direct loss and waste of water. Basically, water is taken up by the plant’s roots and transported to the leaves. The leaves are the plant’s “factory” where solar energy is trapped and used to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) and form plant building blocks, such as sugar and starch. For the plant to do this, it must get CO2 from the air. Uptake of CO2 occurs when the stomata in the leaves are open, but, by opening the stomata, the plants lose water. In fact, water loss through the open stomata (transpiration) is the plant’s tax for access to CO2. This is why there is a direct relationship between transpiration and plant growth: the higher the transpiration, the greater the plant’s growth. So, within reason, one must strive to keep transpiration high (reduce water stress) to maximise yield.

Evaporation from the soil surface is a direct loss and waste of water. Evaporation is primarily driven by the solar energy striking the soil surface, the speed in which moist air is removed (wind) and the moisture content of the soil. A wet soil facilitates high water loss if there is energy to evaporate water. Thus, the best way to keep evaporation to a minimum is to restrict solar energy reaching the surface (by using stubble mulch) and not irrigate frequently. It is better to use deeper irrigations at longer intervals than frequent light irrigations. Frequent light irrigations keep the topsoil moist, thereby promoting evaporation.

Interception of water by the crop is directly related to the size and density of the crop canopy. Normally, this component is minimal and rarely exceeds about 2 mm to 5 mm. To keep interception minimal, the principle of deeper irrigations at longer intervals applies.

Runoff occurs when the precipitation rate exceeds the water infiltration rate into the soil. The infiltration rate is dependent on soil texture, soil water content and soil structure. Little can be done about the soil texture except to realise that sandy soils have higher infiltration and internal redistribution rates than clay soils. A drier soil absorbs water quicker than a moist soil, so the principle of deeper irrigations at longer intervals will assist to reduce runoff. The practice of stubble mulch does reduce runoff.

Uncontrolled drainage below the root depth is a waste of water. If there are problems with salt, drainage does serve a good purpose by flushing salts out of the root zone. However, if there are no drains to remove the excess salts, the deep leached salts can re-enter the root zone through capillary rise when the water table rises.

The soil moisture content is a very important component in the SWB. The nearer Sm is to the field capacity (FC, i.e. effective maximum water holding capacity), the easier water is available to the plants. As Sm approaches the wilting point (effective lower limit of available water) so water is less available to the crop. In essence, it is preferable to keep the Sm near FC. However, if the soil is near FC and a useful rainfall (30 mm) occurs, there is the possibility that the FC can be exceeded and then the soil can become saturated, resulting in runoff and excessive drainage. So, during the rainy season, it makes sense to irrigate to a point where there is “room for rain”. In the above case, keep the soil moisture at FC – 30 mm.

Monitor the components
With modern day technology, it is a simple matter to monitor these components. Senwes Irrigation, as well as Senwes Agricultural Services, can assist with advice and equipment to facilitate proper irrigation scheduling.

Phone Theuns Dreyer at (018) 469-1331 or 082 564 5955 or Neil du Sautoy at (018) 464-7391 or 082 419 0949 for more information on the Aquacheck soil moisture monitors and Metcheck electronic weather stations.


Diagrammatic representation of the components of the soil water balance.